Jonathan Paton
U.S. House of Representatives (AZ-1)ARKANSAS

Tom Cotton
U.S. House of Representatives (AR-4)Tom Cotton has shown extraordinary commitment to serve and defend the constitution through his service to our country in the Army. He is a true leader in every sense of the word and has never turned away from a challenge, unlike many of the politicians in D.C. As a Harvard Law grad, a management consultant, and a farmer, Tom will bring a dynamic wealth of knowledge and experience to Washington, D.C. He understands what it takes to create jobs, unlike the current politicians that are driving this anemic recovery. We need bold leadership and free market solutions that will give job creators the confidence they need to invest and allow our economy to grow. Finally, we need someone willing to stand up and fight for the voice of the people – someone willing to repeal Obamacare, stop the spending, and reduce the size and intrusiveness of the federal government. We are excited to have such a strong candidate for this open seat and look forward to helping Tom win in November.
Ted Yoho
U.S. House of Representatives (FL-3)Ron DeSantis
U.S. House of Representatives (FL-6)Todd Long
U.S. House of Representatives (FL-9)Karen Harrington
U.S. House of Representatives (FL-23)GEORGIA
Lee Anderson
U.S. House of Representatives (GA-12)HAWAII
Joe Walsh
U.S. House of Representatives (IL-8)Bobby Schilling
U.S. House of Representatives (IL-17)INDIANA

Richard Mourdock
U.S. SenateConservatives across Indiana have come together to endorse Indiana State Treasurer Richard Mourdock’s campaign for the United States Senate. During his tenure in local government and as a statewide elected official, Mourdock has stood strong for the Constitutional conservative principles that have made America great. A successful businessman, Mourdock understands fiscal responsibility and the importance of balanced budgets. As Indiana State Treasurer, Mourdock has shown a dedication to Tea Party principles. Running his office efficiently has enabled him to return over 10% of his office budget back to the treasury each year, while at the same time earning over 1 billion dollars in investment income for the taxpayers of Indiana. He has also been a leader in the fight against Barack Obama’s takeover of Chrysler Motors. Unlike the current RINO Senator Dick Lugar, Richard Mourdock will fight for our conservative values in Washington and help return America to prosperity.

Pete Hoekstra
U.S. SenatePete Hoekstra is a proven leader in Congress that is serious about reducing the size, cost, and intrusiveness of the federal government. What Pete understands and Debbie Stabenow fails to grasp is that the money that Washington spends belongs to the taxpayers, not the politicians. In order to get this country back on track, we must pass a balanced budget – something Pete has done four times while serving on the House Budget Committee. However, cuts alone will not get us out of this mess; we also need to create a business-friendly environment that gives our country the opportunity to grow. That means reforming the tax code, something Pete has shown leadership in trying to accomplish while he was in D.C.

Kerry Bentivolio
U.S. House of Representatives (MI-11)Kerry Bentivolio is a strong constitutional conservative that is ready to bring a fresh perspective to Washington. His experience in the military, education, and business give Kerry a real-world perspective that is in short supply in Washington. He understands that in order for the economy to grow, Washington needs to get out of the way. That’s why one of his top priorities is reforming the tax code so it’s flatter and simpler. He also has recognized that thanks to the politicians in D.C., our federal government has run amuck and now lives outside the limits laid out in our constitution. It’s time we start reining in the size, cost, and intrusiveness of the federal government. Kerry’s steadfast commitment to restoring the constitution and implementing pro-growth free market policies make him a perfect candidate to represent Michigan’s Congressional District 11.
David Rouzer
U.S. House of Representatives (NC-7)Richard Hudson
U.S. House of Representatives (NC-8)Mark Meadows
U.S. House of Representatives (NC-11)NORTH DAKOTA

Josh Mandel
U.S. SenateOhio State Treasurer Josh Mandel courageously served eight years in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves, including times as an intelligence specialist. Mandel’s Marine Corps duty included two tours in Iraq, for which he was awarded the Navy & Marine Corps Achievement Medal for “superior performance of his duties.” A young rising star in the political arena, Mandel has proven to be someone who not only campaigns as a conservative but who has the courage to legislate as one once elected. As Lyndhurst, OH City Councilman in a heavily Democratic district, Mandel led the fight for the first property tax rollback in Ohio’s history. Josh Mandel was elected State Treasurer in 2010 and has helped produce a $400,000 surplus and an estimated $1.2 million savings. The same week Obama led the U.S. to its first credit rating downgrade in history, Josh Mandel helped Ohio earn a credit outlook upgrade for the state’s short-term rating. A proud fiscal conservative, Mandel is running to defeat Sherrod Brown, one of Washington’s most liberal senators according to the National Journal.

Tom Smith
U.S. SenateTom Smith is a businessman and job creator, having built a successful coal mining company with just $325 in his pocket. His one business grew into several that produced 100,000 tons of coal per month in a highly regulated industry through tough economic times. Mr. Smith has had to make payroll for 45 years and understands what it takes to create jobs. With a background in the coal industry, he knows that energy independence is key to America’s path to prosperity. He knows that we need an energy policy that brings all options to the table to reduce costs and reduce our dependence on foreign sources. Tom Smith will support pro-growth economic policies, fight to reform our tax code making it simpler and fairer, and work to end the out-of-control spending and debt that mortgages our children’s and grandchildren’s future. Let’s send Mr. Smith to Washington and get this country working again.

Keith Rothfus
U.S. House of Representatives (PA-12)Tea Party Express first endorsed Rothfus in 2010 in his razor thin loss to Congressman Jason Altmire. His opponent this year is Congressman Mark Critz, who is even more liberal than Altmire and completely in bed with organized labor. Keith gets it. He understands that a strong economy is not created by government spending, but by private sector growth. He is committed to reforming the tax code and giving entrepreneurs the tools necessary to create jobs and help our nation grow out of the current stagnate economy. We need someone willing to stand up and fight for the voice of the people – someone willing to repeal Obamacare, stop the spending, and reduce the size and intrusiveness of the federal government. We are excited to have such a strong candidate to challenge Critz and look forward to helping Keith win in November.
Hans Lessmann
U.S. House of Representatives (PA-14)RHODE ISLAND

Ted Cruz
U.S. SenateTea Party Express is proud to endorse conservative champion Ted Cruz for U.S. Senate. As Solicitor General of Texas from 2003-2008, Cruz authored 80 U.S. Supreme Court briefs and personally argued 40 oral arguments, including 9 before the Supreme Court. Named “a Republican star rising in Texas” and “a great Reaganite hope” by the National Review, Ted Cruz has led the fight against Obama’s offshore drilling moratorium and for private property rights for Americans. His “Growth and Jobs Agenda” promotes a limited government plan that pledges to repeal ObamaCare and Dodd-Frank, kill Cap and Trade, and dramatically simplify the tax code. Cruz knows the value of hard work and the importance of economic freedom in achieving the American dream, and he will be a champion for these principles in Washington.

John Raese
U.S. SenateTea Party Express is committed to helping John Raese defeat Senator Joe Manchin in November. We need to send a true conservative Senator to Washington from West Virginia, and we have found that in John Raese. Time and time again, he has stood up to represent the voice of the people instead of special interests. John Raese’s understanding of business, bold entrepreneurial spirit that embraces free-market capitalism, and principled determination to reducing the cost, size, and intrusiveness of the federal government make him a strong tea party candidate and one that we are proud to endorse.